Thursday, March 13, 2014

Quinoa Is Important in a Gluten Free Diet

Beginning to eat your meals without wheat, barley and rye is challenging. When I was first diagnosed with celiac disease, my life was virtually turned upside down. Through the last decade I have perfect my gluten free experience and wish to share some insight with anyone else who is looking to begin life of healthier eating. It doesn't matter if you were diagnosed with celiac disease or want to see if giving up gluten will make you have more energy, I am here to help!
Giving up grains can be the most difficult part of eating gluten free. In fact, it is the main challenge of a life without gluten and some people find it almost impossible to do. Wheat is the staple of the American diet and it encompasses all of the fast foods chains that have taken a foothold in this country. When a person finds that they are gluten intolerant or that they have celiac disease, they are essentially giving up their access to cheap, filling grains that many eat. So what should replace wheat? Well rice happens to be a great choice. Rice is relatively cheap, it can be paired with almost any meal, and it tastes great. The problem with rice however, is that it provides little nutritional value besides its caloric intake. Another possible replacement for your commonly eaten grains is potatoes. Yes, a potato is a vegetable, not a grain, but it is a very filling and cheap food. Potatoes are full of starch and will do their job filling a person up. The problem with potatoes however is the same with rice. They have little nutritional value. So if these are not the ideal foods to fill your diet, then what is?
The answer is simple: quinoa. Quinoa is practically a super food and it should be in the diet of every person on our planet. Quinoa is rich in vitamins, protein and healthy, essential fats. The addition of quinoa to a person's diet can do wonders for their health! Not to mention, quinoa is gluten free and it can be used in many grain replacement meals. My personal favorite food that is made from quinoa is spaghetti. Spaghetti can be made from quinoa just as it can be made from wheat, rice and corn. All of these types of spaghetti taste similar; however quinoa made spaghetti is by for the healthiest!
So now that you know how to begin to replace your grains and bread based foods, there is no reason to worry!
There is a lot more to lean about the gluten free diet! Quinoa is a great start for anyone, but if you would like to know more check out Beginning Gluten Free


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