Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Facts About Carpet Cleaning

By Suzanne Herrman

While we can clean many parts of our home ourselves, getting our carpeting and area rugs completely clean can be quite tricky. Calling in a professional Prairieville carpet cleaner or Baton Rouge carpet cleaning service can be an easy, effective way to keep carpets looking their best as well as staying as clean as possible. It takes just a few hours to get your carpets and area rugs looking practically brand new.

Before your carpet cleaner arrives, it's rarely necessary to move around your furniture. Most cleaning services will move the furniture. What you do need to move are any other items resting on the floors, such as a floor lamp or perhaps a basket or potted plants. We often find a variety of interesting items under beds and couches, so consider doing a quick clean-up in these areas.

While your carpets might be a tad damp after the cleaning crew has finished, most of the water will have been removed from your carpeting, so there is no reason to stay out of your home until the carpeting is totally dry. Turn on household fans, your air conditioner or your heater to speed up the drying process and don't wear shoes on your carpets. As a general rule, wearing shoes is definitely one of the fastest ways to get your carpets dirty, so after a deep cleaning, consider making it a house rule that everyone goes barefoot or wears house shoes rather than sneakers and street shoes in the house.

Obviously clean carpeting looks amazing and brightens the appearance of any room, but the health benefits of professional cleaning services are the biggest reason why you should schedule regular carpet cleaning every six months. Viruses can live for as long as six weeks on carpet fibers, and deep cleaning removes these toxins as well as dust mites, dirt, fungi, mold and also bacteria. If your home includes children or those with severe allergies and asthma, keeping the carpets truly clean can have an enormous and positive impact on their health.

One thing that can make your carpet unattractive is a bad stain, but just about everything really can be removed if you accidently stain your carpeting. The trick is to treat the stained area immediately and to use the proper cleaning equipment, which might be a simple spray of ice cold water, a mix of white vinegar and water or perhaps some other substance. If you aren't sure how to remove a stain, give your carpet cleaner a call or perhaps browse the internet for tips about removing a specific type of stain from your specific type of carpeting.

While deep cleaning is the best way to get your carpets truly clean, you obviously cannot have the cleaners come every week. To keep the dirt at bay, vacuum those carpets thoroughly at least one time each week although two or three times is better in areas with a great deal of traffic. As we shared before, removing your shoes is a terrific way to maintain cleanliness, and if you have pets that often are outside, make sure paws are wiped before they come into the house.

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