Monday, March 31, 2014

Green Tea Weight Loss: The Possible Weight Loss Properties of Green Tea

It seems like one of the current questions that is on a lot of peoples mind is "How can I lose weight?" There are countless diets and techniques that people use to try to lose weight. An important part of it all is what you are drinking. Sugary drinks that are full of calories are an easy way to sabotage your diet. There are plenty of healthy drinks to choose from. One drink that is natural and delicious that can help is green tea.
Scientists have been doing research on the weight loss effects of green tea, and they are encouraging signs. It appears one of the catechins found in it that is called epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG for short, can actually help boost your metabolism. It seems that this effect lasts for a few hours. There still needs to be research done, and there is some debate about how useful this boost is, but this can possibly help burn calories. Researches say that the boost is about a 4 percent boost in your metabolism. Also, it appears that this drink can help reduce appetite, which can help out with controlling portion sizes of meals. It is also full of anti-oxidants and most basic teas, green included, have little to no calories. If you use green tea to replace sugary drinks that are full of calories, this can also help facilitate weight loss.
The key is to remember that even though it does appear that green tea can help with weight loss, it most likely is not going to be able to do it all on its own. The drinking of it needs to be in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercising. It is also important to note that if it is slimming or diet tea there can be other ingredients like laxatives and can have potential dangerous side effects if taken over a longterm period of time, which is why it is important to read labels and know what you're drinking and research possible side effects. It is important, however, to consult a medical professional when you are changing your diet and adding something that has caffeine in it and can effects your metabolism.
If you do decide to try to use green tea to help with weight loss, start drinking it in the morning to help boost your metabolism, and then drink it throughout the day. To get some of the effects from the catechins, green tea experts say you need to drink at least three cups, and if you want the full effects of the catachins you'll need to drink six cups a day. It's smart to start off slow, and incrementally increase how much you drink, and consult a medical professional before you start on a regiment of drinking the tea.
To read more about green tea and it's connection to weight loss, go to Green Tea Weight Loss on the Love of Green tea website.


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