Thursday, September 19, 2013

Why Is Hypnosis So Effective for Weight Loss

Many magazines present diets as simple formulas. The calorie intake should be lower than the energy used in daily activities. Sounds simple, yet anyone who has ever struggled with weight loss knows how tricky dieting could be.
A successful program has many components. Anything that is connected to severe restraint, feelings of anxiousness and emotional discomfort will be unsuitable, failing to deliver long-lasting results.
The Pitfalls of Fashionable weight loss
Losing weight has turned into a serious industry that generates revenue of over 40 billion dollars annually. Diet programs, weight loss pills and workout plans are just a small part of the gigantic market that is fuelled by insecurities and poor body image.
Diets become fashionable quickly, especially after benefiting from celebrity endorsement. The secret that the industry fails sharing with the common person is that a universal formula is non-existent. What delivers results for one person may be completely ineffective for another.
Additionally, many diets are dangerous because they involve severe nutritional restrictions. The weight loss can be sustained only while a person is on that strict plan. Very soon, the weight is re-gained.
Deep & Sustainable
For many people, the accumulation of weight is connected to emotional factors. Stress, discomfort and low self-confidence create a vicious cycle that involves comfort eating or bingeing.
A diet cannot identify the emotional reasons and problems that cause overeating. Hypnosis is a great alternative that addresses the root of the problem rather than the nutritional habits of an individual.
Hypnotherapy can be used to readjust the attitude of a person and the manner in which food is perceived.
A therapist will help a person access the sub-conscious reasons that are resulting in excessive eating. During the sessions, all the negative habits and
patterns will be replaced with positive ones. As a result, the weight loss is not uncomfortable and it can be sustained over the long term.
Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss: Why it works
The concept of hypnotherapy for weight loss and the replacement of negative patterns may sound too abstract to understand. Here is a simple example of what hypnosis can help anyone achieve.
Through hypnosis, a therapist can help with the replacement of junk food with something healthier. If you have the habit of snacking on chips and dips, hypnosis can make it easier for you to make the switch to fruits and raw nuts. These foods will provide the same level of enjoyment and comfort as the junk food that you previously used to love.
Hypnotherapy can help you eliminate bad foods from your diet without suffering from cravings. It also can give you the tools to cope with stress without turning to food and help you overcome negative emotions that previously led to excess eating. It also offers you the power to stand up and fight previously comfortable but destructive patterns of behaviour.
A successful weight loss program should consist of much more than a restrictive diet. Learning what is causing you to overeat and how to completely change your nutritional habits without feeling uncomfortable is essential. Hypnotherapy can help you achieve all these goals, and it involves no severe restrictions or emotional unease that are typical for many popular diets and fashionable weight loss programs.
David Samson is a regular advisor to BBC Radio London. His work has been featured in The Times, The Telegraph, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday and the Evening Standard. Using gentle & sympathetic techniques developed over 10 years practicing effective weight loss Hypnosis treatments.
Or call David now 020 8201 0618. Initial chat is Free.


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