Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Useful Information About Electromagnetic Radiation

We live surrounded by waves of varying intensity radiation emitted by wireless communications and countless electrical and electronic devices that surround us. At present no one can completely rule out its harmful effects and, in fact, there are numerous studies, medical and scientific research supporting the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation on our health. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes this danger and has advised people to apply caution while dealing with instruments that emit electromagnetic radiation. Laptops, mobile phones, microwave ovens, smartphones and many other devices that we use on a daily basis emit such radiation.
The harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation include skin diseases, tumors, formation of cancerous cells, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, loss of eye sight etc. Apart from that, such radiation can also affect the central nervous system of a human being and cause a variety of disorders. Different scientific researches and medical tests conducted by doctors and scientists around the world have also revealed that such radiation can affect the growth of a child and also affect the health of pregnant women. This is why, people need to be very careful about the level of radiation in their homes.
People, who want to protect themselves from the harmful effects of such radiation, need to determine if the radiation level in their house is too high. In order to do so, they can use an instrument known as EMF meter. It is an instrument which measures the electromagnetic field in any given place. Based on the readings obtained from the EMF meter, you will be able to determine if the radiation level is too high in your place of residence. If it is found to be too high, you will need to take some steps that will help to reduce the level of radiation.
First of all, you will need to reduce the usage of all kinds of electronic devices that emit such radiation. For example, you can avoid using the microwave for cooking and instead use a stove that runs on fuel or natural gas. You can also avoid using the mobile phones and laptops as much as possible. After taking these steps, you can use the EMF meter again, in a week or two, to determine if the radiation level has gone down. If it remains the same, you might need to call an expert who can suggest you ways through which you can reduce it.
If you are looking for information about EMF meter, please visit our site.


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