Thursday, December 26, 2013

Learn to Identify Vitamin D3 Deficiency Symptoms

Before you learn about what the symptoms of deficiency are, you should know what vitamin D is. Vitamin D can be either B2 or B3. D2 can be found in plants and other foods, and is also in fortified products such as milk and dairy. D3 is from the sun and can be produced by the body as a hormone. When you are exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet light, your body produces the D3 hormone.
After your body has absorbed B3 through your skin, the B3 is then processed by your liver and kidneys and used to strengthen your bones and to serve other functions. Vitamin B supplements can make up for a vitamin D deficiency when you take them in the right amounts for your body. Your doctor can tell you exactly how much you need.
Here are some vitamin D3 deficiency symptoms that will help you to know if you have a vitamin D3 deficiency. If you believe that you may have this deficiency, then you should speak to your doctor right away about treatment.
1. Muscle Weakness. This is one of the most common symptoms of a Vitamin D3 deficiency, and is rather easy to identify.
2. Bone Pain. This is another common symptom of a vitamin D deficiency. If you're experiencing this, you may be low on vitamin D.
3. Cancer. Research shows that vitamin D lessens the amount of cancerous tumors in breast cancer patients. Vitamin D also reduces the risk of breast cancer in the first place.
4. Periodontal Disease. Vitamin D produces certain bacteria decreasing compounds that can guard against periodontal disease. If you have problems with your gums, you may also have problems with your vitamin D levels.
5. Cardiovascular Disease. If you are a woman who is low on vitamin D, then you may have hypertension. Congestive heart failure is linked to not having enough vitamin D.
6. Depression & Schizophrenia. When children do not get enough vitamin D during development and growth, they may not have enough of the vitamin for important development of the brain and maintenance of their mental functions when they are older. If you have been diagnosed with either of these disorders, it may be a good idea to check how much vitamin D you are getting.
7. Asthma. Asthma attacks may be reduced in severity if you are getting enough vitamin D (either through natural mean or supplements). If you asthma attacks are severe, then you should check you vitamin D levels.
8. Chronic Kidney Disease. If you have this disease, then your body is likely not be able to make the necessary vitamin D. You can take supplements to make up for this.
9. Diabetes. Studies show that vitamin D may reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes when children get enough of it while growing. Having type 1 diabetes may be a sign that your child has not gotten enough vitamin D.
10. The Flu. Vitamin D may reduce the risk of respiratory infections in children. If your child gets the flu often, then be sure to get him or her checked for a vitamin D deficiency.
11. Psoriasis. In the treatment of psoriasis, vitamin D has been useful. If you have psoriasis, then you may also have a vitamin D deficiency.
There are also many subtle vitamin D3 deficiency symptoms, so if you do not get enough sunlight, if you have dairy allergies, or if you are a vegetarian, you should be tested for vitamin D3 deficiency because you may not be getting the amount of vitamin D3 that you really need
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