Thursday, December 19, 2013

Peppermint Essential Oil - How I Use It And How It Has Saved My Life

I fall asleep when I drive. I hate it but it is the reality that I have to deal with every time I drive. Whether it is a 20 hour drive across the country or a 15 minute drive to drop my daughter off at gymnastics, the result is the same. I fall asleep. Obviously this is a huge problem as it puts not only myself in danger, but my family and every other person on the road around me. So what do I do? I keep peppermint with me. It has saved my life over and over. How does it help? It's simple.
Now, I am not talking about candy canes here. I am talking about peppermint essential oil. Peppermint is taken from the leaves of peppermint plants and can be used aromatically, topically and internally but be careful! Peppermint creates a very strong cooling sensation and can be extremely uncomfortable if it gets in your eyes, nose or ears so use with caution.
Like I mentioned before, how do I use peppermint so that I don't crash my car all over the place? I use it in two ways. First I pull my car over when my eyes get heavy and my heads starts to bob. For me, that is the point of no return!! If I get to that point, I can't just "fight off" the pending sleepiness. I have to take action. I put one drop into my left hand, rub my hands together and breathe in VERY deeply 5 or 6 times with my hands cupped over my nose and mouth. After that I place one or two more drops into my hand and rub the peppermint oil on the back of my neck. Every time I do this I immediately feel energized, awake and ready to start my drive again. The process is so simple that I am always amazed that peppermint works so effectively.
No one is new to peppermint. It is used in candy, gum, toothpaste, food and about a thousand other things. So how is the essential oil different? While the peppermint found in candy canes can be hung on a Christmas tree or dipped in hot chocolate, the essential oil can be used to spark alertness, calm an upset stomach or bring down a fever. It can also alleviate headaches reduce stress and open airways to make breathing easier caused by allergies or illness. Have you ever had wicked bad breath that just will not go away? Put a drop of peppermint on your tongue and you will be good to go for hours.
WARNING: Not all peppermint essential oils are created equal. Because peppermint is used in so many ways, and because of its wide acceptance and mass production, it is important to avoid the peppermint that may come from some of the high volume production processes. They tend to sacrifice quality and purity and go straight for volume. Low cost usually is not high quality. Does that mean you find the most expensive essential oil? That isn't the answer either. What you need to do is find a company who produces the highest quality essential oils. Essential oils that have not been altered from the time they are extracted from the plant to the time they arrive in your home. Quality is key.
I can't go into all the ways peppermint essential oil can be used in this brief article. What I can do is direct you to a source where you can learn about the other ways to use peppermint and where to find the highest quality essential oils. Take action!! Click Here to start using peppermint essential oil.
Peppermint essential oil is one of the most versatile essential oil out there. Learn how to use the oil effectively and how to get the highest quality oil by clicking on the link in the closing paragraph above.


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