Thursday, December 19, 2013

Peppermint Essential Oil - How I Broke A High Fever With No Medication

I was ecstatic when my daughter got a fever. Now don't freak out and call protective services on me. I am a good father and I love my daughter more than anything but I was excited when she got the opportunity to experiment with her low grade fever. The experiment: testing the effectiveness of reducing a fever with peppermint essential oil.
In my family we don't use a lot of over-the-counter medicines. They are expensive and sometimes do more harm than good. We use a lot of essential oils and subsequently we only get sick once a year or so. My daughter had not had a fever in almost a year so I had never been able to use peppermint to break her fever until just recently.
I was always told that any fever that is under 102 is OK* for the body but when it goes above 102, it is time to take action. My daughter's fever was lingering at around 101 until the late evening when it shot up to 103. It then became a high fever and it was officially go time!! I grabbed the peppermint and went to work. I put two drops on the bottom of each foot, a few drops on my hands and then rubbed my hands on her back and the back of her neck and then waited. I took her temperature after 5 minutes and the fever was a little lower but not much. I had heard such great things about how fast the peppermint worked on fevers but I didn't see results after 5 minutes. I checked her temperature again just 2 minutes after my first check and it had gone down slightly. After that check her temperature was at 102.8. I started to second guess myself and wondered whether I had made a good choice at going for the peppermint instead of the fever reducer medication stuff. I checked once more and I was shocked at what I saw. My daughter's fever was at 100.2. I checked again thinking that the thermometer had messed up or something and the thermometer read 100.0. I checked again and it was 100.0. Then 100.1. Then 99.8. I felt relieved and checked her periodically over the next hours. Her temperature came down even further and finally broke later that night. I was able to successfully reduce my daughter's high fever by using only peppermint essential oil.
Will I ever use over-the-counter medicines again? Of course, but only as a last resort. There is a fine line as to when you should use natural medicines or modern medicines. I use them both but severity is the determining factor. My wife is pregnant with our second child. Am I going to apply a natural medicine for that? No Way!! I will be taking her to the hospital so that modern medicine will be there in case anything goes wrong. Do I use natural medicines for colds and flus? Burns? Twisted ankles, acne and tooth aches? Of course. Those are all things that can be taken care of without a physician. Can a physician help out? Sure, but wouldn't you like to take control of your own healthcare? Wouldn't you like to be self-reliant when it comes to your health and your family's health? I certainly hope so.
Click Here to learn more about how you can control your health and save loads of money by healing your family at home.
* This statement has not been approved by any person with degrees in the medical field. Just my Mom. Consult a physician if you have a question about your child's fever.
Our healthcare system is getting more and more out of control. Unfortunately it is not focused on taking care of YOU either. Learn how to rely on yourself when it comes to your health and the health of your family. Be self-reliant and heal your family on your own. Read this article and take action!


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