Saturday, December 21, 2013

How To Build Lean Muscle Without Adding Fat

The combination of a healthy diet and weight training is the key to build lean muscle, but here the emphasis is on diet. Proteins, carbohydrates and a meager amount of fat comprise a muscle-building diet plan. We can already hear many of you complain about the extra number of calories it would add to your daily diet. You can get the thought out of your mind because we will teach you how to build lean muscle without adding fat. Let's get started.
Diet and Nutrition
As already stated above, the right food choices are crucial not only because they build muscle mass faster but also prevent the pounds from creeping in. An optimal diet is vital because it provides energy to exercise and resources to help the body recover.
When it comes to building muscle mass, protein is the main food group. They provide building blocks needed to grow your muscles in strength and size. Fish, milk, eggs, chicken and meat are the richest sources of animal proteins. If you are a vegan, you can eat plant-based proteins such as legumes, nuts and seeds, grains and non-dairy milk.
Creatine is another dietary element you should include in your diet if you want to build lean muscle. Creatine belongs to the family of amino acids. This amino acid is synthesized in the liver, kidney and pancreas. Fish and meat are primary sources of creatine. Carbohydrates are important in a muscle mass building diet too. It supplies the body with energy - fuel needed to exercise. Carbohydrates are divided into three categories - fibrous (fruits and vegetables), simple (sugars) and complex (bread, rice, cereal and pasta). Carbohydrate should be limited to 6-11 servings per day. Fat is also important if you want to build muscle mass. Now the main question - how can you eat fat when you are struggling to lose weight? The answer is saturated or healthy fats.
It is also essential to drink an adequate amount of water if you want healthy muscles. Dehydration does not allow the muscles to function efficiently. You should aim for minimum 8 glasses of water every day. Water intake should be increased in summer.
Diet and nutrition also includes meal timings and number of meals. As far as possible, you should not skip meals. Skipping meals disturbs your metabolism. It depletes energy stores in the body. Lack of energy makes it hard to perform exercises diligently and harder to gain lean mass. Eat several small meals throughout the day. You should eat a meal every 3-4 hours. Eating several small meals and snacks throughout the day prevents binge eating.
Training Routines
Exercise stimulates muscle growth. The exercise routine should be a 3-day split. It involves working out on 3 alternate days of the week, say Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Each day is dedicated to working out a specific muscle group. Like aerobic exercises help your burn fat faster, weight training helps you achieves a perfectly sculpted body. Side-by-side you should also perform aerobic activities. Strength training will tone your muscles but fat will prevent it from showing up. Aerobic activity will help burn the fat. Cardiovascular activities you can perform include swimming, running, walking, biking and skipping.
While it may sound unconventional, getting adequate amount of sleep will also strengthen and grow your muscles. Sleep helps the body recover after exercise. You should get at least 7-8 hours of sleep at night.
Click here to know, how to add muscle mass with correct training and nutrition.


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