Sunday, December 15, 2013

Everything You Need to Know About Creatine Supplementation

The Uses and Benefits of Creatine
The chemical compound known as creatine is normally found in the muscles of the human body. Although it's a substance that's naturally created by the body, it can also be found in certain foods. For example, meat and fish are common foods that provide creatine. The substance can also be manufactured in a laboratory.
Creatine is generally used as a performance enhancing supplement that increases the muscle mass of athletes and of some older adults. There are also a few scientific studies that suggest that athletic performance of healthy young people engaged in brief, high-intensity activity, as in sprinting, can be improved. However, the results in older adults over the age of 60 aren't quite as dramatic.
History of Creatine
During the 1800s, creatine was identified as an organic component found in meat. But it wasn't until the 1970s when Soviet researchers published studies claiming that oral creatine supplements may play a role in improving the performance of athletes during highly intense, but brief sports activities such as sprinting.
With credible scientific research supporting the health claims of creatine, the chemical became popular during the 1990s as a natural supplement for athletic performance enhancement and as a means to increase lean body mass. It was shown that users of the supplement can increase skeletal muscle when ingested orally. However, individual responses to the supplement varied.
There are a number of factors that may explain the varied response by different users of the supplement. For example, the level of carbohydrate intake, the training status of the individual, the amount of physical activity, and the type of muscle fiber of a person all played a role in achieving the desired results. Nevertheless, the discovery that muscle creatine uptake can be increased with the use of carbohydrates significantly expanded the market for multi-ingredient sports drinks containing the substance.
Consequently, there is widespread use of the supplement within the amateur and professional athletic community after the discovery that creatine levels are significantly increased when combined with carbohydrates than is possible with creatine alone. This is particularly true with adolescent athletes who reportedly consume dosages that are inconsistent with recommended levels based on scientific evidence. In fact, this population of users routinely ingests the supplement at higher than recommended doses.
Still, creatine has not been banned by professional sports officials, the International Olympic Committee, or the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). However, colleges and universities are no longer allowed to provide creatine to students using school funds. On the other hand, students are able to purchase creatine with their own money, and the NCAA doesn't plan to ban creatine unless and until there is medical evidence that suggests that use of the supplement is harmful.
Benefits of Using Creatine
There are several health benefits provided by creatine supplements, the most important of which is an improvement in athletic performance. There is research to support the claim that brief, high-intensity activities that include weight lifting and running sprints are major beneficiaries of enhanced creatine levels. That's because creatine enhances ATP production, a chemical that muscles utilize as an energy source to support explosive activity over brief periods of time.
It's also been shown that creatine may play a role in decreasing muscle fatigue by reducing lactic acid, which is a waste product of spent energy. Excessive amounts of creatine are eliminated from the body through the kidney, causing some experts to question the wisdom of consuming creatine supplements by people who already possess sufficient levels of creatine.
Even so, bodybuilders and athletes report that creatine delivers results similar to anabolic steroids, and as such it's a very popular supplement. Having the ability to enhance one's performance through the use of supplements raise ethical questions by some athletic organizations on whether or not athletes should be allowed to influence their performance in this manner. In addition, questions have been raised as to whether or not widespread use of creatine-based supplements will lead to athletes using even more risky drugs and supplements.
Lean Muscle Mass
There are studies that indicate that creatine can increase lean muscle mass. One theory is that creatine is able to accomplish this feat because when creatine is present in muscle it attracts water. More research is being conducted to confirm these findings and to determine what an effective and safe dosage would be.
Due to the muscle strengthening characteristics of creatine, it has been hypothesized that the supplement can be used in tandem with other medications to treat conditions that involve weak muscles. For instance, people suffering from congestive heart failure, muscular dystrophy, McArdle's disease, Huntington's disease, and Parkinson's disease, may benefit from creatine as a complementary treatment. It may even be effective for treating muscles that have been damaged after surgery or after suffering an injury. Recent studies have shown that recipients of creatine treatment report high levels of tolerance and show effective relief from muscular dystrophies.
Risks of Using Creatine
People suffering from liver or kidney disease are advised not to use creatine. Persons below the age of 18, pregnant or nursing women should also avoid the compound. In addition, those who may be taking supplements or medication that affects blood sugar should not simultaneously take creatine because it also affects blood sugar levels.
Creatine users should always drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. Also, always consult with your doctor before beginning a creatine regimen, or any supplemental regimen for that matter, no matter how healthy the subject may be.


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