Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Sound Mind Makes the Sound Body

It would be of no novelty to say that millions of women all over the world are concerned with being beautiful. All the representatives of the fair sex are ready to spend huge amounts of money on surgery, personal trainers and nutritionists, special underwear, which is supposed to shape the body up and, of course, on the king of make-believe beauty - the Makeup. But however hard you try, you cannot fight the fact that you only look good when you feel good. Have you ever noticed that a happy girl wearing jeans and sneakers draws more attention to herself in a bar than a tired one with perfect hair and makeup? This surely happens for a reason. And it's what's inside of your body that you have to preserve. And if you introduce some healthy habits into your daily routine, you might not need all the things mentioned above after all as these habits will help you to get rid of panda eyes forever in a natural way.
So, do you have breakfast every day? Do you usually take the stairs? Even the smallest things impact our health and thus the way we look. Let's see what routines not only can make us more attractive, but also maintain our beauty for years.
For starters, it's essential always to get enough sleep. Sometimes it's hard to kick your boyfriend out of the apartment since even if it's after midnight you just don't want to hurt his feelings by saying that a good night sleep is more important to you that his company. For happy parents, the time after nine is actually the only time they can have to themselves and it's just impossible to switch off the favourite TV show. But try to make it quality time and dedicate it to something much more significant - sleep. It's not entirely clear how many hours of sleep a human being requires but anybody can feel that failing to sleep for at least 7 hours per night results in anxiety, depression and sick skin color.
The first thing you should take care of in the morning is a healthy breakfast. Healthy does not necessarily mean you have to stuff yourself with sour veggies and nothing else. The first meal must charge you with enough energy to support your brain activity through the day so don't be stingy on calories and enjoy your peanut butter sandwich - after all, it's a much better idea than to eat it at midnight in front of the TV right before going to bed.
It's also really important to stay hydrated at all times. Our bodies are nearly 70% water, so it's self-evident that maintaining the right level of it enhances the functioning of any living organism, including us, women. So make sure you constantly replenish the water levels in your body by consuming about eight eight-ounce glasses of water or any other liquids every day.
And the last, but not the least tip - exercise! Technological advancement has done everything possible to turn us into literally sedentary species, and, sorry, you have to fight it! Even if it's unlikely for you to find time to do sports regularly, be creative - walk as much as possible. It's even a better idea to substitute your traditional way to relax (movies, eating out, and house parties) with workouts. It's a myth that they take up too much of your time. In fact, a 30-minute workout will relax you much better than a 2-hour movie, and you can only believe it of you try it.
This is an example of a basic workout which can be done at home and is a perfect way not only to relax after work, but also to get fit pretty soon:
o Warm-up on a treadmill, exercise bike or with a jumping rope for 10 minutes
o Do 2 sets of 20 sit ups
o Do 3 sets of 10 push ups
o Do 3 sets of 1 minute wall sits
o D 50 right leg lifts
o Do 50 left leg lifts
o Do 2 sets of 25 squats
o Do 50 jumping jacks
o Stretch for 5 minutes


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