Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Staying Healthy This Christmas!

Staying healthy this Christmas season can be a balancing act, but one that is well worth it. You can have fun and partake in all that the holidays have to offer and still come out on the other side healthy, happy and ready for the new year. It's a countdown now to Christmas and then New Year's Eve after that, so here are some ideas to enjoy your holidays and avoid too much regret later!
Breathe. Yep. Breathe. Breathe deeply and often. Write "Breathe" on a Post It and keep it by your phone, bed, mirror or desk. Or all four. Get some exercise before the parties, so you can enjoy just a little bit more and still fit into those pants Christmas day. You can't spell Merry with out "ME" so take some time for YOU and still get those workouts in! I would also highly suggest getting a massage (or three) this month to remove toxins, relax those muscles and just generally feel better. And finish off some evenings with a hot bath with Epsom Salt. It removes any toxins from food that can cause you to be sore, become sick or just feel generally icky. And it feels so good! You know you'll be glad you did.
Drink lots of water this month. Winter is dry and dehydration can lead to oh so many issues, and amazingly, water can fix them all. Lots more water, and lots less liquor and sugary drinks. Save those calories for something you really want, (but not too much!) And if you see a salad this winter, grab it. It might be the only one you see all season. Fill up on carrot sticks and a little ranch at parties instead of spinach dip and chips. Use parties to visit with friends and family, and try to focus on that instead of good but calorie hoarding food. You'll sleep better at night and start January with (hopefully) no more pounds added.
New Year's Eve is for resolutions but wouldn't it be great if we could head into the new year with goals that we can be proud of for keeping during this sugar laden time instead of figuring out ways to remove all the problems that the party food added all of December? Ahh, what a goal indeed! I of course write this to be hopeful and as a goal; not necessarily because I will be able to do all of these things myself. But goals are good, right? Merry Christmas to all, and to all a healthy night!
You can learn more about my services at http://www.pieceofcakeorganizing.com, or follow me on Twitter or Pinterest at WendyHimes.


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