Sunday, December 22, 2013

My Health Ritual to Look 10 Years Younger

Health, well-being, and natural skin care have long been passions of mine. I was raised to eat good, healthy foods, drink a lot of pure water, and avoid fast foods and chemical additives or preservatives. As a result, I have maintained good health, been in good physical shape, and looked good for my age. But over time, as I have been aging, there have been some things happening with my appearance that I want to avoid. I have adjusted a great health and beauty routine to keep my feeling and looking my best from the inside out. Here are all the problems I have encountered and what I have done to really look 10 years younger and feel great from within.
1. Dull skin tone, oily patches on the face. I noticed that my face had been losing vitality and radiance. I also get really oily patches in the daytime and find myself wiping my face too often with my hands. This just leaves more dirt on my face and doesn't look great. So my solution is using a great pure Bentonite clay facial mask. I apply the mask once a week, let it dry completely, and then rinse off. This has helped give my pores a deeper cleaning, and removing excess oils. My skin looks and feels healthier, more radiant, and the oily patches are much less frequent.
2. Lines and dark circles under the eyes. I inherited dark circles from my mother, and have seen more fine lines appearing around the eye area. So I started using an under eye mud treatment mask 3 times a week, followed by a few drops of essential oils (Emu Oil, Sea Buckthorn Oil) mixed with a carrier oil (Coconut Oil). I actually apply this oil mixture over my entire face 3 times a week. My skin feels so soft and supple, yet firm and natural. The dark circles are diminished and fine lines are hardly visible. My eyes are the first place that I show age so I am very happy with these results.
3. Digestion problems, gas and bloating. As we get older, we can start to have more problems digesting some foods, and have more gas and bloating. I hate that feeling, and also find that is zaps some of my natural energy. So I committed to a great health supplement that has all but eliminated these problems. I eat the gel from half a leaf from an Aloe Vera plant daily. I grow several plants at a time in the warm weather climate that I live in, so I am able to keep a good supply of aloe vera available. On top of the digestion benefits, my skin on my entire body has felt firmer, softer, and with less breakout irritations or itchy patches. The aloe plant really is a whole body and health miracle.
So these are the three things that I maintain for my natural health care. The results are great, and now people continually guess me to be 12 to 15 years younger than my actual age. I don't spend a lot of extra money to keep up this routine, and everything I use is 100% natural and will continue to have good benefits to my skin and body.
James Serrano is a well known writer who has covered a wide array of subjects so far. He writes on important and useful topics like look 10 years younger and best facial masks which has helped her to garner a huge reader base.


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