Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Make Snoring A Thing Of The Past With This Useful Advice.

By Phillip Santos

Many snore regularly and think nothing can prevent them from doing so. If you wish to reduce your snoring, you should read this article and try following these tips.

Being overweight is one factor that can possibly exacerbate a snoring problem. Excess body weight is not always the culprit, but it can be difficult to breathe if your neck area has extra fat. If you begin to snore more often or more severely after gaining some weight, you have one more reason to work off those excess pounds.

It might sound like a prank your sibling would have played on you as a child, but singing may actually cure your snoring problem. Constant singing uses and strengthens throat muscles. Once your throat muscles are strong, the chances that you will snore will be less. Playing certain instruments which require the blowing of air, such as a saxophone or trumpet, can also help with the throat muscle strengthening process.

Sleeping pills can contribute to snoring, so you might actually get a better night's sleep if you avoid them. Sleeping pills cause your muscles to relax. Muscles that hold your nasal airways open will relax, causing them to slacken. The outcome of this is that you end up snoring.

You should try elevating your head when you sleep. Try using a thicker pillow to support your head and neck. Another option is to sleep on two pillows instead of one. With your head in this elevated position, you'll be able to breathe better, which can diminish or eliminate your snoring.

Avoid drinking alcohol if you snore. Another way that you can help diminish snoring is to stay away from pills or antihistamines in the later hours of the night. With regular consumption, all of these products increase the likelihood of snoring, because the muscle relaxation they induce may narrow your air passages.

Your love of singing can actually help you to fight snoring. One doctor supports singing as a remedy for snoring, as singing builds up muscle in the soft palate, as well as the throat. This increased muscle tone will keep your passageways from narrowing at night, and when you do go to sleep, snoring won't bother your slumber.

If you have snoring issues, look at your medications to see if they might be causing it. Some prescription medications can dry out your nasal membranes, which can cause them to swell up and restrict airflow. Others can make you feel sleepy and cause the throat muscles to relax and not take in adequate air.

Find out if prescription medication you take might be causing your snoring. Some medications dry out your nasal membranes which can cause swelling and restrict airflow. Medications that contain sedatives can have the unfortunate side effect of relaxing the muscles in your throat, which makes it difficult to breathe freely during sleep.

Have a couple of spoonfuls of honey before heading off to bed each night. It is unclear as to why it seems to work, but many testify to honey's effectiveness in reducing your tendency to snore. It seems less odd when you do a survey of the literature on home remedies and see how often honey comes up.

It is possible to cure snoring through certain types of exercise. There are throat exercises that you can do for 15-30 minutes per day that will strengthen the muscles that cause you to snore in the first place. You do these exercises by repeating your vowels and curling the tongue. This makes your respiratory system stronger, which reduces snoring.

With the information from this article, you should be better prepared to stop snoring in its tracks. Take heart in knowing that there are many things you can do at night to get the rest you need. So put the tips mentioned in this article into practice today!

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