Saturday, May 31, 2014

How To Make A Quick Healthy Weeknight Dinners

By Nora Jennings

Food is said to be a substance that is consumed by human beings and animals for living and growth. There are certain occasions that food is eaten and these occasions are what we call meals. Meals are divided into three that is, breakfast, lunch and dinner. We will concentrate on making quick healthy weeknight dinners, the ingredients needs and how to prepare it.

It is a very common thing when someone is from work late at night finds no food to sleep hungry or grab a snack. To avoid this, here are some tips to help you on how you will be able to make a quick healthy meal. The meal to be prepared is chicken noodle soup with spinach. Cooking time is twenty minutes only.

Here are the ingredients that you will need: pasta probably half of it, cooking oil, butter, three cloves of garlic, beaten eggs, salt and pepper to taste. Take your vegetables, it could be tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, carrots and add a little bit of apple. Cut them into small pieces, the carrots should be grated each vegetable cut into each amounts. The apple will add flavor to your salad, it will be tasty that is for sure, then set the salad aside on a bowl.

There you have it. Within twenty minutes your food is ready. Another healthy weeknight dinner you can prepare is rice with an egg stew and vegetable salad. The ingredients that you require are; one cup of rice, eggs, onions, tomatoes, and beef cubes, cooking oil, salt and pepper. Prepare the vegetable salad in a bowl and set aside.

Once you are done cooking you can add the salad that you made earlier, and there you have it. Just in twenty minutes and you have a healthy and tasty meal. So how is this meal healthy? The eggs are source of proteins, you can use whole wheat pasta which is a high source of fiber and butter has fat.

There is no reason to end up with disorders such as obesity while you can cook food that is healthy. Weeknight dinners are most difficult to prepare especially if you live alone, that is why cookbooks for simpler healthy food are there for you.

You can make yourself and family eat healthy by making simple meals such as the pasta, eggs and vegetable salad with a twist. Children hate vegetables but being creative is the idea here. Make them help you prepare the meals, choose food which have high nutritional values and an improvement in their health will be noted.

People who are obese have a high chance of getting heart attacks, diabetes and high blood pressures. The other problem is that they get too tired, cannot do anything and are therefore inactive. To add on top of that as if not enough is that they get teased and thus their low self esteem is lowered. So to avoid this please do take care of yourself.

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