Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Main Concepts Of Psychoanalytic Training

By Judy Sullivan

Psychoanalysis is known as the system of psychological therapy methods that can be used to aid in mental disorders. One of things that this type of system would do is to bring the thoughts that can be found in the subconscious mind into the conscious mind. So for those who are curious about how this works, here are some things to learn in psychoanalytic training.

In order to start this type of training, it is important that one has to learn about the three main concepts of Sigmund Freud because it is he that created psychoanalysis. Basically, the main concepts are split into three parts that are named the id, the ego, and superego. These three aspects that are taught in this type of training are actually the foundations of the treatment that will be done on a patient with a problem.

The id is the most core concept because it lies in the unconscious mind where the most basic instincts of a human can be found. The most basic human instinct would be his sexual instincts which would be powered by the sex drive. This is an impulse instinct that humans have when they are born.

The ego would be the next concept that is connected to the first one and is the one that encourages the id to give in to the instincts. It is also the ego that would warn the mind of negative consequences that would happen if one would proceed with the act. The thing about the ego is that it can actually work for the conscious and the unconscious parts of the human mind.

The last one is the superego and this would be the one that would stop certain acts from being done. Now if one would feel like he is doing something that is going against his conscience, then the part of his mind that is speaking to him would be the superego. It is the one that would set up boundaries on how a person would act.

Now since the human sex drive a fundamental concept which is linked to the id, then much emphasis will be given to this section. One of the most famous theories that came from this man is that the repression of sexual urges may be the cause of psychological problems or disorders. Since it is a basic instinct one is born with, then repressing it would be going against basic human nature.

Now another concept that Freud would emphasize a lot on would be the significance of dreams. In psychoanalysis, one of the most important parts of treatment would be to ask the patient about his dreams. The dreams were said to act as guides to what the root or foundation of the problem really is.

Combining all of these basic concepts that are learned in psychoanalytic training, then one can actually do treatment. The most primary form of treatment would actually be talking to the patient and trying to find out the main cause that is at hand. If one has already discovered the root problem of the patient, then it is easy to be able to help him with it.

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