Sunday, January 19, 2014

Keeping insect pests out

By Hilary Harmony

Insect pests in the home are unpleasant and also potentially dangerous, as they can spread disease, cause stings and bites, and contaminate food. Getting rid of them, and preventing new infestations, is not really difficult, but it does require vigilance.

Mop or vacuum the floor

Crawling pests, in particular, will survive on tiny scraps of food that have fallen to the floor in the kitchen or under the dining table. Crumbs and splashes should not be allowed to lie longer than is absolutely necessary. Use a vacuum cleaner on carpets, and a mop and disinfectant on vinyl or tiles.

Clean spills up

Food spills in the kitchen will attract pests and can then also be a source of contamination. Wipe down work surfaces immediately after use, preferably using a disinfectant spray, and clean appliances such as cookers and food mixers.

Wash the dishes

Leaving dirty dishes by the sink will be a sure-fire attraction for pests. Even if they are soaking in water, soiled plates can bring in flies. It is therefore important to wash up immediately after eating, and to clean sinks and draining boards afterwards.

Keep food stored safely

Vegetables and fruit are attractive to insects, particularly once they have started to go soft, so check the fruit bowl and the vegetable rack regularly use food in rotation, and dispose of food that is starting to rot as quickly as possible.

Clean and airtight food containers

Dry foods such as flour, rice, sugar and cereals should be kept in airtight containers. Liquids, including syrups and sauces, need to be in tightly sealed bottles and jars, which should be wiped after use to ensure that no food residues are left on the outside of the bottle.

Keep your taps dry and your drains flowing

Insects, particularly mosquitoes, are attracted to water, and will try to get indoors to find it in dry weather. It is therefore important to ensure that taps don't drip. If your drains are sluggish they will be a breeding ground for insects as well as a food source, so keep them unblocked and flowing freely.

Rubbish and recycling bins

Your bin will attract fewer flies if food is properly wrapped before it goes inside. It is also important to rinse out jars, cans, and bottles before putting them in the recycling bin. All bins should be washed, inside and out, on a regular basis, and it is a good idea to use a disinfectant as well. Compost is best kept in a bin with a well-fitting lid, located away from the house.

Storing clothes

Don't store clothes if they are dirty, as pests will be attracted to them. Moths will attack natural fibres such as silk and wool unless a good deterrent is used. Airtight boxes are a good way of storing clothes safely.

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