Sunday, January 19, 2014

Working With Deaf People

By Rey Vetangelo

If you have ever wanted to pursue a career where you work with those who have hearing problems, then you are in luck. There are multitudes of ways in which you can help those who cannot hear. While the details might differ depending on where you wish to live and what sort of schedule you'd like to keep, there are many ways you can get involved with the deaf community in a professional sense. We have listed some of the more common job opportunities here to get you started.

An individual who can teach deaf people will always be in high demand. This job requires not only teaching experience, but also the ability to communicate effectively through sign language. Teaching often covers many areas of learning and you will not only have to know them yourself, but also be able to translate these concepts into sign language and transmit them to your students.

Among the difficult conversations, group conversations can especially raise a concern for many people. When everyone is talking, for example, in a meeting, it can be frustrating because even if you are capable of adding some content to a conversation or meeting, it can be hard to know when the best time to add is.

Interpreters provide an invaluable service to deaf individuals. While some deaf people are experienced lip readers, there will inevitably be occasions when having an interpreter will make things run a lot more smoothly.

Such issues with the middle or outer ear that can affect hearing include the malformation of the outer ear, infections in the middle ear, tumor formations in the middle or outer ear, and even the blocking of the ear canal with earwax or foreign bodies.

Trying to learn things as well can leave deaf people at a disadvantage. For example, if you are trying to figure out how to do something on your phone, then you will likely just look up a YouTube video to show you how.

Your job will usually require you to understand not only what deaf people are signing to each other, but the subtext and emotions behind it. Furthermore, you will be expected to respect deaf culture and make sure that your presence and actions are not offensive to deaf people in any way.

Deaf people have to deal with a lot of hurdles in order to successfully integrate into society and sometimes they can benefit from the help of a counselor. A counselor can do anything from assisting in the development of vocational skills to helping a deaf person decide which career path they want to pursue. Schools and universities often employ counselors for those with hearing disabilities in order to ensure that deaf students have the resources they need to succeed.

If you are deaf or know someone who is, do a little research and see how you can add to your life to make it easier and happier for you or your friend.

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