Monday, October 13, 2014

Different Kinds Of Heaters And Their Economic Value

By Alex D White

What comes to your mind when you hear the term heater? Well it could be anything, right. There are various types of heaters, which differ in the way they work, their size, purpose and in many other aspects. Selecting a heater will greatly depend on the various types of heaters available that you happen to know.

You have heard of the electric water heaters, which basically are made of a piece of wire with a high resistance that heats water when they heat although they should not come into direct contact. They use silica to make them safe from risks of electric shocks. You need to upgrade to a more energy efficient like a solar water heater type in case you have a low quality one that breaks down in the middle of a hot shower.

Electric heaters or electric stove heaters use electricity to provide heat. They turn electricity straight into heat via a resistance aspect in the metals involved. Heat distribution will however change from heater to heater. They are fairly priced and economical because of the convection heat they produce.

Convection heaters heat the air around them then it spreads out to the rest of the room and heats the room in that process. Infrared heaters work by heating objects directly instead of the air while heat pumps work by removing warm air from the outside and taking to a cold inside and vice-versa.

Convection heaters are a kind of heaters operated by a resistor that opposes the flow of electricity. The electrical energy turns into heat so that as it flows within the metal, it heats it up. Convection heaters heat air above them directly, the air moves up and spreads out into the room. Some heaters such as the forced air convection heaters heat air by coming into contact with the heated coil. This air spreads out into the room and this way the whole room will get heated.

Another type of heaters is the radiative heaters that use elements of much higher temperatures than the convection heaters. These heating elements are enclosed in a protective covering such as quartz that prevents heat from escaping. This keeps the heating element extremely hot. They are better in heating objects as compared to heating of air. They are used to heat the body directly by staying close to them. They are cheap and ideal when used in areas that require short duration of heat like bathrooms.

There are also heat pumps that use a pump to drive a liquid through two sets of coils. This liquid is called a refrigerant. It flows through a condenser coil inside the house, where most of the heat is transferred into the air. This in event warms the room and cools the refrigerant at the same time.

The refrigerant gets decompressed in the evaporator coil outside the house. Heat on the outside warms up the refrigerant again and it flows back to a compressor. This cycle of taking air from the outside and pumping it to the inside continues until the house gets heated. They are cheap, efficient and provide both heating and cooling.

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