Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Important Issues Affecting Hog Farms

By Lianne Derocco

It is definitely no easy job to manage a hog farm given that when you are a hog farmer you need to pay really close to issues concerning your animals which includes keeping them healthy, maximizing profits and also preventing potential and common threats to hogs. With this, let us look into some issues which require every farmer's attention to solve.

Sows are typically docile animals particularly when they are put out into the wild and have only each other to be with. However the case is not the same when there are many of them raised in large hog farms where you will sometimes see them become aggressive especially come feeding time, especially if the animals are not familiar with each other. And so from this we can draw a general thought - that sows become aggressive when they feel that they might have to compete for food with other animals with which they don't know well.

One way to help deal with the problem of aggressiveness is to group sows together that have been housed together previously during another stage of development. If you do add new sows to the group, be sure to include an amount of at least 10% or more of the total population. If you are just adding a few unfamiliar sows to the populous, these animals can become quick targets from the larger population. Also, it has been found that sows can be placed together based on their behavioral traits, such as mixed active and confident sows with sows that are a bit passive.

Being a livestock farmer you will also be facing issues with regards to maintaining fresh and clean water in stock tanks which can be quite difficult to do. You can't possibly replace your water and wash out stock tanks every day even when you want to thus a product like Healthy Ponds Stock Tank cleaner would come valuable. Aside from it being veterinarian-approved, you can be sure that only natural bacteria make it possible for organic solids to be eaten away here. It is easy to use - simply place the biodegradable pack into the plastic dispenser and place it in a clean stock tank. Then you will find that its effect will last up to 30 days and then you simply need to put a new bacteria package into your dispenser.

Agricultural waste issues are also something with which farmers must contend, and you will often find that organic waste solids are creating a pesky sludge layer on the bottom of your waste lagoon or waste pit. Sometimes crusting also forms on the top of the waste, as well. These issues also can be dealt with using products that contain natural bacterial microbes to eat away at solids and liquefy waste.

A good suggestion would be to use an agricultural waste solution such as Activator Plus - one that you can use to fight against crusting and sludge. Once you use it, solids will then be broken up and turn to liquid. Once the crust has liquefied, you can satisfy normal maintenance needs for waste lagoons and pits, by using Agra Sphere. Now this is one agricultural waste product that is biodegradable and bacteria-based where it works in a way that by simply tossing it into your waste system it then begins to release bacteria able to fight away sludge build-up, foaming and crusting, as well as able to reduce odor and disease-carrying flies which are harmful to the hogs.

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