Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Build Big Muscles Without Steroids or Supplements

Many who are skinny and aim for significant muscle mass gains feel that the only path to achieving their goal involves either anabolic steroids or supplements, with millions of skinny weight lifters firmly believing that no natural bodybuilding program can possibly provide the type of results that will transform their thin frame into a thick, muscular physique. This mistaken notion has spread throughout the bodybuilding world for two important reasons.
Firstly, powerful bodybuilding supplement advertising asserts that real food is insufficient to build muscle mass, and that any weight lifter seeking massive muscle growth must supplement with the latest, greatest pill or powder to produce astounding progress. This self serving propaganda spewed by bodybuilding supplement companies is not only false, but the reliance of so many on supplements has distracted them from the real reason behind poor bodybuilding progress, which is an inferior, ineffective and improperly designed weight training workout and diet plan.
When bodybuilding supplements prove to be an abysmal failure, weight lifters then presume that the only way they can achieve massive muscle gains is to opt for steroids, which do in fact increase the amount of muscle that can be built to unnatural levels, but carry with them serious health risks, and should never be an option for anyone who values their life. But, those who are desperate to transform their skinny frame into a muscular masterpiece seemingly have no other option, or do they?
The reason so many feel as if steroids is the only path to significant muscle growth is because they have always followed an inferior workout and diet plan, and as a result of serious weight lifting and eating errors, are unable to maximize their own genetic potential. Just one mistake, such as not consuming the correct protein, carbohydrate and fat ratios, dividing calories improperly, insufficient workout volume, or lack of rep cycling can hijack a bodybuilding routine from providing noticeable results, and until the errors are corrected, the weight lifter mistakenly assumes he is confined to little progress without the perfect supplement (doesn't exist) or steroids (flirting with premature death).
So, if you find that bodybuilding progress is poor and your muscles aren't growing every week, your natural bodybuilding program, which is comprised of the weight training and diet methods you implement each day, must change, and until this happens, you will be mistakenly convinced that your body simply is incapable of achieving large muscle gains, despite numerous natural bodybuilders who follow an effective workout and diet proving otherwise.
Francesco Castano created the MuscleNOW natural bodybuilding program, which teaches the correct diet and weight training methods for building muscle mass without supplements or steroids.


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