Thursday, January 2, 2014

Breastfeeding Vs Bottle Feeding

Poor children feeding causes malnutrition which is coupled with dehydration due to diarrhea and this claims lives of many children. When you give birth the breast milk is the ideal food for the infants as it contains all the needed nutrients. The advantages of breastfeeding versus bottle feeding are that the breast milk is always fresh and in the right temperature for the infant. The breast milk also contains the antibodies that help the infant to build up resistance to infections. When you breastfeed you also develop loving attention towards the baby which is essential to emotional development.
As the baby grows after five month the breast milk should be supplemented by fruit, cereals and vegetables that have been cooked and strained thus making it soft enough for chewing. When breastfeeding it's advisable you take balance diet meals in order to produce healthy milk that will help the baby grow well. The mother should always observe cleanliness before feeding the bay to avoid contamination. Always make sure the breasts are clean and dry before breast feeding.
It's advisable when you give birth you breast feed for the first 6 month exclusively before introducing any other kind of food to the baby. This helps the baby to develop a strong immune system. For the bottle feeding the baby may not get enough as you give the amount you have prepared with assumptions that it will satisfy him. With the breastfeeding the baby will feed until he is full making the baby to grow strong and healthy.
Breastfeeding is not only advantageous to the baby but as well as the mother as it can be used as a means of family planning. This is because it delays the onset of menstruation after the birth mostly known as nature's contraceptive.
For those who may using bottle to feed the babies its very risky because if you do not taking into account the cleanliness of the bottle and the water being used or even the food, this may contaminate the food or the milk and its becomes sometimes dangerous as it can even cause death of the infant. Strict hygiene should be therefore observed. Most of the children fed using a bottle develop many infections and this delays their growth. They become vulnerable because the milk or the food being to them may not have enough and the right nutrients needed for their growth.
Get more info: Be sure to visit This Site today!


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