Friday, January 3, 2014

Allowing A Fern For Brain Cancer Studies

By Rob Sutter

Therapies and brain cancer go hand-in-hand and I do not think that anyone will be able to argue with such a point. Drugs have been put to use in the past and it seems as though many results have been had, some more worthwhile than others. Is it possible, though, that a potential addition to these studies can be derived from nature itself? The reason that I say this is because it seems as though a particular fern may be able to come into effect.

An article on went into detail about a particular fern native to North America could actually play into brain cancer in a positive way. This is known as the Christmas fern and it is seen, in particular, within New England. This is interesting enough but for those who show support for organizations like Voices against Brain Cancer, you may be asking yourself, "What does this have to do with cancer treatment?" After work has been done, it has been determined that an active component can prove useful.

Dr. Sarah Crawford, as the article stated, decided to put the plant to use since it has antioxidant properties not commonly seen in complex species. The Southern Connecticut State University medical specialist had worked with other plants in the past. However, she decided that the Christmas fern was for the best, seeing as how the results were more potent here than anywhere else. What were the results of the studies done by Crawford, you may wonder? For those who don't know, said results have proven quite strong.

The way that Crawford approached this matter was to put together a triple cocktail combination in order to target the tumors. This particular cocktail included not only extract from the fern but a chemo drug as well as an anti-inflammatory, carmustine and curcumin respectively. With this creation brought to life, it was able to take out 50 percent of cancer cells in the brain. The success that Crawford was able to see here goes to show that there is progress to be made and that this fern may be used in the future.

It is apparent that this cancer type is going to be able to bring about a number of studies. This probably goes without saying but you have to take into consideration the fact that, as of this moment, there is no solid treatment for this condition. I believe that while patients have been helped time and time again, it's not like there is one treatment that is made to help everyone. Crawford's studies have shown that nature may be able to help and I hope that this idea is seen in the future.

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