Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Information People Should Be Aware Of Relating To TMJ Disorders

By Jamal D White

Many people that have a tendency of grinding or clenching their teeth do it unconsciously, whether they do it when they are awake or when they fall asleep. This medical condition is called bruxism and can cause the patients to experience severe side effects from such activity. For instance, some people may start experiencing severe headaches, jaw pain, breaking of teeth and other complications because of exerting excessive pressure on their jaws. Although the exact cause of the condition is not clear, dentists believe that it starts from having a problem with jaw muscles and the joint. Even though some people may not experience any severe side effects of this condition, continued clenching, gnashing and grinding can result to further complications.

Doctors are progressively discovering the reason for bruxism because of the ongoing research done around the matter. For example, most are of the perception that the reason for this issue is airway instability that arises when people are asleep. This happens much like in obstructive apnea or upper airway resistance syndrome.

As someone sleeps, his or her upper airway could be restricted when they apply pressure since these muscles have a tendency of relaxing, which in turn could cause breathing problems. The jaw is held in place by the facial muscles that could as well relax when someone sleeps. A combination of all these could make someone clench his or her teeth.

Other causes of temporomandibular joint disorder exist, including grinding, or clenching of the teeth, which has an effect of putting pressure on the TMJ and the dislocation of the disc or soft cushion that is between the socket and the ball. It could also be because of rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis within the TMJ. Stress is also a common cause of the condition since it causes people to tighten their jaw and facial muscles or clench teeth.

It may be very difficult for somebody to determine whether she or he clenches their teeth throughout sleep particularly when nobody is there to inform them about this. However, ongoing clenching could lead to various TMJ signs and symptoms that individuals ought to understand. Through this, you would have the ability to tell if you need to make a move to treat the problem even if the signs and symptoms are not yet severe.

Different symptoms could be associated with this medical condition. For instance, you could experience pain on the jaw joint area, neck, face and the area around the ear. At other times, you might experience problems when opening your mouth widely and even have a swelling around your face. Some people could also experience a feeling of tiredness around their face.

It would be necessary to go for chiropractic therapy to determine the cause of the problem and develop an effective program for dealing with the problem. This could help eliminate the cases of regular teeth grinding and sleep apnea. Chiropractics are often very valuable in helping people stop the habit without even using any drugs.

Fighting TMJ disorders requires anyone to comprehend the signs and symptoms first. The reason for this is because people might not be able to tell whether they have the problem unless the symptoms are there. It is usually better to use a skilled physician to assist you in dealing with the issue.

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