Friday, February 14, 2014

Knowing What Happens When You Apply Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion is a product designed to let you obtain a darker complexion indoors. Because it saves you from excessive UV radiation, your skin can be safeguarded from photo damage and cancer. In case you are thinking of getting Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion, below you can find some things to expect.

Press the pump of the Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion bottle and a thick cream comes out. This consistency is just right to let you evenly apply the product all over the body trouble-free. You will notice that it has a very deep brown color. Don't be discouraged because dyes were added by the manufacturer to ensure you don't miss a spot.

The moment you spread Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion onto the skin, instant tinting takes place. Such provides you with immediate gratification while DHA, the product's most important ingredient, is still developing. Approved by the FDA as safe for topical use, the sugar-based chemical comes from plants and is suited for all skin types.

It takes about 3 hours for DHA found in Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion to produce the preliminary change of your complexion. You need not wait that long in order to see an effect, thanks to the added brown dyes. The instant stain obtained will wash off in the shower to give way to DHA's effect, a lovely bronze color that looks like a suntan.

While working, DHA emits a smell that is characteristic to all indoor tanners using this chemical as their active ingredient. Fragrances are added to mask it. Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion does the complete opposite so that nothing harsh gets onto your skin. Besides, the addition of fragrances will only defeat the intrinsic mildness DHA has. When you hit the shower, the distinctive odor vanishes completely so no one can tell that your lovely complexion is fake.

It takes the active ingredient of Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion at least 24 hours to give your skin the darkest tone possible. The resulting color will depend on which Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion variant you apply - dark, medium dark or ultra dark. Additionally, the outcome is also affected by the user's natural complexion.

For about a week, you may enjoy the effect of Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion. It will gradually fade just like a real suntan. To let it stay longer, you just have to apply the product once more. Regular use of a hand and body moisturizer is also said to help extend the effect. You may also rub on the moisturizing tan extender offered by the maker. A bottle of it may be bought separately or you may simply grab the Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion set.

Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion lets you enjoy a lovelier complexion risk-free. The product does not require you to be exposed to solar radiation just to deliver what it promises. Because of this, you can avoid ending up with photo damage and skin cancer that can be deadly if not detected and treated early on.

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