Thursday, July 3, 2014

If Considering Tattoo Removal Worcester Residents Should Know Their Options

By Rosella Campbell

When people first get a new tattoo they are proud to show it off, but several years down the road they may change their mind and wish they had never got it in the first place. In such instances, they will likely want to consider having it removed. There are different ways this can be accomplished, so when thinking about tattoo removal Worcester customers should first find out what their options are.

Laser is the most common method used to remove unwanted tattoos. Light energy beams penetrate the skin and dissolve the ink's pigments which are then reabsorbed by the body. This approach can even successfully eliminate professional ink designs, which are typically injected deeper in the collagen fibers of the dermis.

A "Q-switched" laser is the specific type of laser used in this procedure. It delivers short, precise light pulses that break apart the pigment molecules, allowing them to be absorbed by the surrounding skin cells. These lasers can be grouped into three categories: the Nd:YAG laser which works best on black, red, and blue pigments, and the Alexandrite and Ruby lasers which are used on green, blue, and black ink. Usually brighter hues prove tougher to remove than more muted ones.

Amateur tattoos typically require fewer sessions than professional body art to remove. At least two lasers and as many as twenty sessions may be necessary to get rid of professional ink-work, whereas amateur work only requires about two. Inks which contain iron-oxide compounds may respond to the laser light by turning black, for this reason a patch test is recommended.

A topical anesthetic is applied before the laser treatment to minimize discomfort, although it is not a pain-free procedure and most patients will feel a sensation when it's being done. It may take only a few minutes or up to an hour, depending on the type and size of the tattoo. There may be minor scarring.

Intense Pulsed Light or IPL, is another method which has demonstrated some effectiveness in removing body art designs. It is somewhat similar to laser, since light is used, however this technique involves a broad spectrum light which is delivered in larger pulses. The top layer of the epidermis is gently removed, which in effect reduces the visibility of the tattoo. Larger designs require more light pulses, and is most suited to larger areas of skin.

An older and less used technique, dermabrasion can also get rid of tattoos. A local anesthetic is injected, and the surgeon uses a machine called a dermatome to sand off the uppermost layers of the skin. Redness and tenderness in the area can be expected for several weeks, as the skin regenerates. People who scar easily may want to consider another approach.

The most extreme approach is surgical excision. The patient is given a local anesthetic and the surgeon then cuts away the section of skin where the design is located, if the image is small, the skin flaps on either side can simply be stitched together, however, if it is a larger design, sometimes skin must be taken from elsewhere on the body and be grafted on. Sometimes more than one surgery is needed, and scarring is a real possibility.

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