Sunday, July 20, 2014

Interior Design For A Budget

By Lana Pharrel

Different people will put different levels of importance on, and therefore, different levels of effort into, interior design. However, no one would deny that they would prefer living in a home that is designed and organized well over one that is bland. A home's design has the power to establish a mood that people will feel the moment they enter. When you make design changes that positively affect the atmosphere of the home, it will be noticeable. And not every change has to be a big, expensive project. There are easy, affordable things you can do.

In a photo or other image, the background can set the tone for the whole thing. As the backdrop of a home, a new coat of paint on the walls can make the whole room feel fresh and lively. You might be surprised by just how much of a difference it can make.

Painting an entire room can be time-consuming and expensive, but sometimes changing a single wall to contrast the others can create a striking, attractive look.

If those projects are still too large, painting more subtle features, such as the doors, door frames or window frames might be a good choice. Something as simple as new wallpaper can have dramatic effects as well.

Remember that you are not just working with a 2-Dimensional surface. There are plenty of opportunities to use the surfaces above and below to create a sense of style. The relatively barren surface of the ceiling can be spruced up with stylish, yet inexpensive lighting fixtures.

The light itself is what creates the atmosphere, though. You should decide on the mood you want to create and then place the light sources accordingly. Softer light placed at lower angles can create relaxing, romantic feel, while using brighter, natural light usually creates a cheerful atmosphere. Take into account the brightness of the bulbs and the placement and styles of the lamps.

Be sure not to forget the floors either. And you do not have to tear up and replace the hard floor or carpet either. One relatively easy way to add color and personality is through the use of an area rug. It can draw attention to the primary features of the room, such as a coffee table.

To save even more money, you can try repurposing the items you already own. If you have things in storage that you don't know what to do with, try seeing them in unconventional ways. A old chest, for example, might work as a great coffee table with storage space. Or an old cabinet might be put to good use as a stand for a TV in a bedroom.

Once you are happy with your interior design work, the next step would be to keep it looking great. Clutter is practically the nemesis of good interior design. When items pile up, it can be very distracting. To clean out clutter, the best way to start is get rid of the non-essentials. Once you have cut down to what you need, you can organize it with shelving or bins.

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