Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Women's Health: 15 Priceless Benefits of Lemons

Women's Health: 15 Priceless Benefits of Lemons

I'm known for my love for lemons, surely not the only one and surely, everyone else express their love the same way. Loving a lemon is very similar to loving the sun - when you look at the sun and when you taste a lemon, you always scowl.
Here are some interesting facts about this tiny sun you can hold in your hand.

#1. Health Benefits From Lemons
  1. Lemons contain a LOT of sugar, despite the sour taste. I'm talking about healthy sugars the human body uses for energy, not the ones that stick to your thighs. This makes the lemon one of the most healthy foods in the world.

  2. Citric acid is most concentrated in lemons. It's one of the life essentials in all types of cells. It charges the body with vitamin C, which immediately prevents scurvy (but everybody knows that).

  3. High contents of potassium, which help concentration thinking, normalizes blood pressure and helps regulate the body's water balance.

  4. It's common to use lemons and honey against a sore throat. That's why they almost always come in a set with tea. This is also the reason why lost of people mix lemon juice with hot water and use it for gargling, as it kills lots of unpleasant bacteria in the throat.

  5. People lately started using lemons on insect bites, as they contain one of the most powerful natural acids. So good, it provides good disinfection and soothes irritated skin. Lost of today's commercial insect repellents use lemon extracts to work.

  6. For detox, nutritional experts always include lemon juice. In fact, lemon juice and water is a simple mixture that when consumed regularly enough (like a glass every day before breakfast), cleanses both the liver and intestines, resulting in improved metabolism.
#2. Beauty Benefits From Lemons
  1. In the cosmetics field, lemons can help get rid of acne and blackheads. Rubbing on the affected areas is enough. It will be helpful to add sugary honey too, as it can exfoliate the skin and give it a natural glow. Don't forget to rinse with water.

  2. Rubbing half a lemon on the skin can also lighten it. It's often used against spots and unevenness of the skin tone.

  3. They also whiten teeth. Lemon juice should be mixed with baking soda for this one. A minute of the paste on your teeth is enough and after a few times, the change will be visible.

  4. Lemons also strengthen and whiten nails. Rubbing a piece of lemon on them is enough, state women's health magazines.

  5. They're a good remedy for dandruffAnyone can make their own conditioner, by mixing lemon juice, olive oil and honey. Just a handful is enough to make the hair shine, clear dandruff particles and nurture the skin of the head to stop producing them.
#3. Cleaning Benefits From Lemons
  1. In households, people start using it more often, when the term "green cleaning" entered. Mother nature's most powerful natural acid can also be used against certain blemishesFor example, when mixed with baking soda, it can brighten and polish copper and silverware.

  2. Removals Putney state that lots of their new green cleaning solutions have lemon extracts as the most active ingredient, and we're talking about window, oven, bathroom and all purpose cleaners.
#4. Scientific Benefits From Lemons
  1. Here's something interesting from the field of science. If you attach electrodes to a lemon, it can power up a small motor. See now how much energy it contains?

  2. Another interesting fact is that if given a choice between oranges, grapefruit, peaches, apples or lemons, cattle will eat lemons first. Scientists conclude that it's because they recognise the biggest energy source, or maybe because they know it eases digestion.
Hello, everyone! Ashley here! A big shout out thanks to removals Putney, and especially their end of tenancy team for letting me in on this small, but very helpful piece of information.


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