Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Surprising Fat-Loss Secrets

Surprising Fat-Loss Secrets

Saturated fats aren't as bad as they're made out to be - When people see the words "saturated fat" they automatically assume it's unhealthy and extremely bad for them, but in actual fact, this is not the case at all. You see, certain foods, particularly red meats, contain saturated fats, that actually can help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and help us to burn stubborn belly fat. Yes, you read that right, saturated fat can actually help to burn belly fat. Healthy sources of these fats, such as grass fed red meat, contain natural fat burning compounds that can actually help to boost your metabolism so you burn more fat, and enjoy more energy in the process.
Some "health" foods aren't as healthy as they lead us to believe - A recent study conducted on certain brands of extra virgin olive oil, revealed that the oil wasn't "extra virgin" at all, and had actually been mixed with unhealthy cheaper oils such as canola, in a bid for food suppliers to save money. Extra virgin olive oil, which basically means it SHOULD simply be the oil pressed from the olives, and bottled right away, with nothing added, is healthy, but the problem is that so many companies and suppliers across the world are mixing the olive oil with cheap unhealthy oil to make their olive reserves go further, that you don't know who you can and cannot trust.

Food nutritional value labels aren't accurate - Again, with pure greed and profit in mind, large corporations and suppliers are once again misleading their consumers with clever trickery, this time printed on the food labels. If we want to know whether something is healthy, we generally read the label and take a look at the ingredients and the fat, sugar, and salt content etc.. Well, in order to make so-called "healthy" foods taste better, and to help make us grow slightly addicted to them, food manufacturers are now adding trans fats to their foods, only in small amounts. Trans fats are absolutely horrendous and are so, so dangerous for our health. Even an extremely tiny amount of trans fats can be hugely bad for us, but shockingly, food manufacturers are actually allowed to say that their foods are "free of trans fats" if they contain.5 gram or less, which is more than enough to do serious harm to your health.
So what should you be doing? - Certain so-called "health" foods aren't healthy at all, and contain trans fats and other artificial ingredients, which are bad for your health and can even cause you to store subcutaneous abdominal fat on your belly. Other "health" foods contain cheap junk in order to save money, and foods that we're led to believe are bad for us, aren't actually that bad at all, some of which are even beneficial. If you want to learn more secrets relating to the food industry, plus find out what you should be doing to lose weight and improve your health.

My name is Andrew, I have tried all kinds of supplements, diets, exercises to lose belly fat some things have worked and some things haven't, and I was just getting frustrated and wanted something simple and easy to get me into healthy shape I came across a guide called "fat burning foods" i would highly recommend you check it out it gave me a lot of amazing information on losing weight getting toned and the right diets that don't include crappy meals starving yourself and all the other things out there I lost a lot of weight and gained some muscle with this guide I will give you the link below to look further into it.
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