Friday, October 30, 2015

Kitchen Renovation Redefined

By Loreley G. Weidner

A lot of smaller houses and apartments people move into these days were designed in a very different era. One in which: people didn't want any pesky bench space or light making anything too easy in their kitchens or appliances like microwaves and dishwashers didn't exist or there was an undocumented, nationwide competition between builders to see who could stuff the most plasterboard walls into the liveable areas of any given house. Exaggerating a bit perhaps, but there's almost always a wealth of opportunity to make older kitchens in smaller Australian houses and apartments far more conducive to sanity, comfort and convenience. Kitchen improvements like these will make a big difference to resale value too. Pick smartly when it comes to a designer and choose someone you are comfortable communicating with. Also, before you kick start the entire project look around and do ample research on kitchen models across design sites on the internet, which will give you fresh new ideas you can incorporate in your kitchen renovation plans.

Bring in more natural light: The more light you can get in a small kitchen, the better - and natural light is excellent for this purpose. Nice big windows are the best way to go, so if you can increase the size of the window in your kitchen this is a great start (although it's a pretty complicated thing to do). Even if you can't do that, removing overhead cabinets that directly flank your kitchen window on either side can help disperse light more evenly. A roof window / skylight can make a massive difference too, if you've got the budget for it.

Make it white: A small kitchen's really not the place to mark your creative territory with bold colours and patterns - they'll just make it look busier and more complicated. Solid, lighter colours for cabinets and benches (especially white) will help to reflect light into every corner, and keep things looking simple and tidy.

Avoid mirrored surfaces and too much detail: Mirrored or reflective surfaces look trendy in brochures and everyone assumes they'll give the illusion of more space - and they're OK in some kitchens - but in smaller spaces often they'll just amplify visual clutter and end up covered in fingerprints, so you're best avoiding those too. Likewise, too much ornamentation on fittings and fixtures (taps, handles, light fittings, cabinet details, backsplashes etc.), can make a small kitchen look way too busy. If you need to decorate, do it with things you add once the kitchen is finished.

Storage and organization: Storage and organization is key to a functional and eye-appealing kitchen. If installing new cabinets isn't an option, consider installing shelves instead. There are many other attractive storage and organization materials available on the market for a well-organized kitchen that are surprisingly affordable.

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