Monday, November 2, 2015

Dealing With A Qualified Kennesaw Roofer

By Andrew B. Spates

Anyone who buys a home should be aware that various types of maintenance will always be necessary to keep the structure solid and looking good. When a task requires a professional, the process of weeding through all the available options to find the best contractor can feel a bit overwhelming. After narrowing the list, it is time to enter the contractual phase with the chosen Kennesaw roofer.

The written legal agreement between the client and one hired to perform a certain job for them is called a contract. The document contains a detailed description of the project and the specifics of how everything will be handled for the protections of all involved. As the language used can seem a little confusing, homeowners should read them very carefully and perhaps ask an attorney to look them over if possible.

Contained within this document are the details on the job's time frame, including the date work is expected to commence, as well as when it is scheduled to conclude. The specific hours that the workers are scheduled to arrive on site and leave each day should be clearly listed, along with how long breaks will be and with what frequency. Any contingencies like extensions due to inclement weather are also to be included.

An accurate breakdown of materials that will be used, as well as their projected cost, is also part of this document. All manufacturer warranties are included to guard against loss from defective components. A truly professional contractor writes in a guarantee on their work and details a process through which any modifications or corrections to the finished product may be achieved.

Contractors are required to hold insurance policies for both general liability and workers comp in most states as a matter of covering on site incidences. Copies of each are attached and help to verify the company's legitimacy. The safety protocols that the crew is expected to observe, are detailed quite clearly.

The contractor is expected to keep the site debris free during the process. There should be procedures set for handling daily clean up and for that after the project is completed, each being completely written out in the document. This is a matter of safety for anyone who may have reason to be within the work zone.

The full project cost should be broken down into an agreeable schedule of payments. This consists of the amounts due on specific dates, as well as how any unexpected charges will be handled. Contractors who demand an excess of one third the total before starting work are to be reviewed with much caution.

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