Friday, November 29, 2013

Various Procedures Of Installing James Hardie Siding

By Kelly Pullman

In any home, installation of an outer wall to the house enhances beauty, value and durability of the home. This is because the covers have a long lasting coloring that is baked professionally and is resistant to extreme weather conditions. The james hardie siding is made from cement and other non combustible materials. Walls having such covers are well protected from cracking, problems from termite infestation and damage from hails.

Installation procedure has certain steps that have to be carefully followed. One is required to have various tools and skills for installation of new covers. Roofing nails, hammers or nail guns and covering planks are some of the tools required. Installation guides can be procured together with the covers in building stores. It is advisable to know which cover is appropriate for different regions that have different weather variations.

Start by removing the old wall cover. Remember that covering a problem does not solve the problem. Remove the old and worn out cover entirely. Carefully, by using the correct equipment, for example mallets and wall chisels, chip in the old cover from its corners. This will give room for the installation of the new cover to look as if it were new.

Inspect walls in your home before installing the new ones. Walla re made in a way that enable them support new ones. Examine for damages that may have been made by termites and ants, moisture damage or rot. Purchase vinyl that will aid in preservation of new finishing hence preventing unexpected damages on the structure.

To create an extra protection from strong wind and high moisture retention on the walls, apply cover weather barriers. However, in many countries, they do recommend for application of such protective chemicals. After every three inches of joint installation, add a joint flash that will aid in water protection. During joint flashing, remember to leave one inch gaps for windows and frame expansion.

You need to blind nail wall covers by using a hammer and nail. Ensure you drive nails through the cover on the walls. The guide will help you to properly install the new cover on your wall. You need to lap covers so that you cover the nails and ensure they are not seen. Drive the nails suing the correct measures.

Prior to installation, acquire the best and recommended installation guidelines. Continue the installation process, putting one row at a time. For more than one cover for a row, fix the ends of planks being used against each other. Remember not to make them look tight and connect each joint using a stud.

Take measure in installing the james hardie siding on the following areas. Double check the wall measurements after every four courses so as to minimize loose attachments of the finishing. Gauges being fixed need to be at the same measurement if more than two persons are involved in installation process. Finishing is not being fixed during rainy seasons or in damp environments. Correctly drive the required size of nails for each wall. Upon completion, one enjoys a home for years at low maintenance cost.

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