There are precautions the homeowner can take to prevent a pest invasion of his attic in the first place. Sealing garbage cans and keeping debris either cleaned up or a distance away from the house are two. If it is too late for prevention, the professionals from Decatur wildlife removal services will come to the rescue and remove wildlife from the home.
Raccoons are drawn to an area by the smell of garbage from open garbage cans. Once they are there, you house may begin to look like an appealing place to live. The damage and smell they cause, if they are able to gain access, will seriously disrupt your life. Their sharp claws can tear screens and their teeth chew through insulation in the attic. They will use it for nesting material in preparation for giving birth.
The experts do not use poison inside the home. For one thing, it is cruel. For another, if an animal were to die inside the home, the smell would be terrible. Instead, they are allowed to leave or are caught in live traps and released into the wild far away from your house.
Once the raccoon settles in, he will leave for food and water and return. Bats, raccoons, rats and mice all leave urine and droppings that will create a health hazard. It will also create an odor that may permeate the entire home.
Bats have some value for the human population because they are voracious eaters of mosquitoes and other insects. But, when invading your attic, this flying mammal destroys insulation, items you have stored there and even the walls. They are able to squeeze in through the smallest openings. Once inside, they contaminate whatever they come into contact with.
The gray squirrel has the same potential for destroying property. It enters the attic by squeezing through tiny holes in the structure. It chews everything, including wood, with strong front teeth. It too will consider your attic a good habitat, especially during the cold winter months. The experts cannot seal off the openings until they are certain all the young have left.
One method they use is to prepare an exit tunnel that will get the raccoons, squirrels and bats to leave through it. It is one of those exits where they can leave, but, once outside, cannot get back in through the tunnel. It is a one-way exit, and after the animals are all out, all possible entryways are sealed to prevent them from getting back inside.
Raccoons are drawn to an area by the smell of garbage from open garbage cans. Once they are there, you house may begin to look like an appealing place to live. The damage and smell they cause, if they are able to gain access, will seriously disrupt your life. Their sharp claws can tear screens and their teeth chew through insulation in the attic. They will use it for nesting material in preparation for giving birth.
The experts do not use poison inside the home. For one thing, it is cruel. For another, if an animal were to die inside the home, the smell would be terrible. Instead, they are allowed to leave or are caught in live traps and released into the wild far away from your house.
Once the raccoon settles in, he will leave for food and water and return. Bats, raccoons, rats and mice all leave urine and droppings that will create a health hazard. It will also create an odor that may permeate the entire home.
Bats have some value for the human population because they are voracious eaters of mosquitoes and other insects. But, when invading your attic, this flying mammal destroys insulation, items you have stored there and even the walls. They are able to squeeze in through the smallest openings. Once inside, they contaminate whatever they come into contact with.
The gray squirrel has the same potential for destroying property. It enters the attic by squeezing through tiny holes in the structure. It chews everything, including wood, with strong front teeth. It too will consider your attic a good habitat, especially during the cold winter months. The experts cannot seal off the openings until they are certain all the young have left.
One method they use is to prepare an exit tunnel that will get the raccoons, squirrels and bats to leave through it. It is one of those exits where they can leave, but, once outside, cannot get back in through the tunnel. It is a one-way exit, and after the animals are all out, all possible entryways are sealed to prevent them from getting back inside.
About the Author:
Dave L. Weglin believes in safe animal control practices and has worked in the field for over 20 years. If you are looking to find the Best Atlanta Mole Control Removal Service Company in Decatur and Tucker, GAthen he recommend you visit his friend at
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