When you look in the mirror do you see a sagging neck, or as some lovingly call it a turkey neck? It is like your eyes are drawn to that area of your body and its one of the hardest places to tone up and get to look younger again. There are options that you can go get surgery, a neck lift, but if yours is just starting to form you may be able to try some things at home so that you can prevent it from getting worse and maybe avoid surgery in the future.
Maintain Good Posture
Keep your chin up, this will keep the neck muscles stretched. When you're sitting at your computer you will want to hold your head up and not have your chin resting on your chest. This is one of the worse posture habits that we have. Try to make a conscience effort to keep your head held high.
Daily Beauty Routines
When you exfoliate your face do you also do your neck? You need to exfoliate your neck and then when you are putting on your moisturizer don't forget to put it on your neck also.
Neck Exercises
There are specific exercises that you can do to stretch the muscles in your neck. Yoga is a great way to exercise your neck muscles. Facial yoga can help your neck muscles and they are easy to do. These can be done using very few minutes each day. You will start to notice a huge difference in a few weeks of doing the facial exercises and the yoga. There are products on the market that you can buy to do face exercises, but you can also achieve the same results just doing these exercises yourself.
Lose weight
Most of the time the turkey neck look is made up from excess fat cells. You can help this out by losing weight overall and toning up. This is one of the best ways to lose your turkey neck.
Hide your neck with Clothing
This is easier done in colder climates, you can wear a turtle neck sweater that will hide the turkey neck and sagging neck muscles, but it won't help much in the summer months. While you are wearing the turtle neck shirts, you can also be doing your exercises to look better in summer.
Make up
Using bronzer just below the chin will give the impression of a strong jaw line.
These are some non-surgical ways that you can help get rid of and tone up your neck muscles and get rid of your turkey neck. Start treating it as soon as you see it appear and you will save money and time down the road.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jacee_Edwards
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