Monday, December 2, 2013

Ease Into the Holidays And Avoid Winter Weight Gain

Ease into the Holidays and Avoid Winter Weight Gain - Did you know that most of the weight that we put on each year appears in the six weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year's? And research shows that those holiday pounds don't go away after we ring in the New Year. Because most people keep their extra padding for Christmases and Hanukkahs to come. Though most people gain one or two pounds during the holidays, people who are already overweight or obese tend to gain more. So go easy over the next few weeks. You don't have to deprive yourself of your favorite foods during the holiday season; just remember to enjoy them in moderation. We'll show you how:
Keep Moving - Don't let the busy holiday season sidetrack your regular exercise routine. Think you don't have a second to spare at the gym? Guess again. Because working out can boost energy and mood, squeezing in a workout may actually help you be more productive - and keep you in the holiday spirit. You can experience the mood-boosting benefits of exercise in as little as 10 to 15 minutes. And you don't have to run a marathon to get a runner's high. Any kind of heart-pumping aerobic activity, like climbing the stairs, will give you a burst of bliss.
Do the Math - When it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, remember that math is your friend. The trick to eating what you want without putting on the pounds is making sure calories in are less than calories out. When you want a treat, balance extra calories (for example, 100 calories for a glass of wine or a cookie) with exercise to burn it off, like taking a 25-minute walk. Calculating how long it will take you to work off a slice of pecan pie might make you think twice about eating it.
Use a Small Plate - Trick yourself into eating sensibly. Smaller plates encourage smaller portions, which means you eat less. (If you don't go back for seconds, that is!) Research shows that people eat almost 60 percent less when they put their food on smaller dishes. We eat as much with our eyes as with our stomach. When it's smaller, your plate looks fuller. The result: You'll eat less but feel just as satisfied.
Don't Stand by the Buffet Table -Satisfying your sweet tooth will not come via osmosis, so there is no point in standing anywhere near the enticements. Lingering unnecessarily will tempt us to throw caution and calories to the wind. Instead, take small portions of the foods you really want, then back away from the buffet table. Go into another room, and try to avoid going back for seconds.
Eat Regular Meals - Saving up all of your calories so you can eat what you want at the holiday party? Skipping meals before the big feast might seem like a smart idea, but it's a recipe for disaster. You'll be so hungry by the time you arrive, you won't care what you shove in your mouth. Start the day with a healthy breakfast - one that combines complex carbohydrates and protein, which will tide you over for longer. A piece of whole-wheat toast and an egg is a good option, packing just 200 calories.
Stay Hydrated - Always seem to stuff yourself silly at the dinner table? Here's a trick to fill you up fast and help you lose weight. Drink water. Research shows that people who drank two glasses of water before mealtime ate nearly 100 fewer calories per meal. Over the course of 12 weeks, that resulted in an extra five pounds of weight loss. People often mistake hunger for thirst, so if you're craving food, try drinking a glass of water before rummaging through the fridge.
Stay Healthy and Strong All Season Long - The holidays, which fall during cold and flu season, are the most important time to stay active and healthy. Stress weakens your immune system, and a prolonged period of stress, like the holiday season, is the worst time to forgo healthy choices. You've got more pressure at work; more travel, which means greater exposure to sniffling and coughing strangers; house guests to entertain; and tons of shopping and running around to do. Working out and taking immune building supplements can help relieve stress and strengthen the immune system, and give you the extra energy you need to breeze through your holiday checklist.
Valerie Martinez is the co-founder of "Women's Health Made Simple", your online virtual nutritionist for all things concerning natural health for women. Please visit for all your feminine health needs. Read our blog, watch our videos, look up your symptom or concern, and find HELP for your HEALTH today!


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