was much easier for me to get out of bed, go workout and eat healthy all day. This resulted in me having the ideal body I wanted - but It took so much self-motivation. Self-motivation that I really can't seem to find anymore!
So how do you stay motivated? Whether it's trying to transform your body from being very overweight to skinny or if it's just trying to shave off a few pounds for your own health benefits there are many tips that you can follow to help you stay motivated to reach your own personal goals.
Go to sleep early
I can't stress this one enough - if you're not staying up late and doing pointless internet browsing, or TV watching then you can fall asleep early. Get in bed turn out the lights and just fall asleep - you will find that when you wake up the next day you are going to be well-rested and ready to take on the day. Taking on the day in this case might include getting a workout, making the right eating decisions and healthy lifestyle choices. The amount of sleep you get each night really takes a huge role in how much energy you have to motivate yourself.
Don't Be Afraid to Push Yourself
The human body is capable of amazing things. Here is something to think about: back in the hunter and gather days when humans had to hunt animals in packs to stay alive, humans would chase down a deer for miles on end until the deer would finally collapse out of exhaustion. Humans were literally built to be the strongest beings on the planet earth. If in shape, our bodies can be pushed to extreme limits. We have something that no other mammals on earth have: sweat glands - the ability to cool our bodies on the go so that we can keep pushing ourselves to the limit. Take this mentality when you are on the brink of failure during a workout, run, or serious physical limitation. Is it my mind telling me I can't do this or is it my body? Most of the time it is your mind telling you that you are unable to push yourself any further because you think you are going to collapse at any moment. You have to push yourself!
Transforming your body, staying healthy and losing the weight is not easily done. But just think about the end reward. When you do finally meet your weight goal how good are you going to feel? When you do finally have the body you want... how awesome is it going to feel? Stay motivated, get enough sleep, and don't be afraid to push yourself. Follow these tips and you will achieve greatness.
Staying fit and staying motivated is no easy challenge, we are here to help you.
Here at fatlossfactorlife.com we provide you with tons of weight-loss resources and exercise motivation tips so that you can achieve the body and goals that you want.
Brett K.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brett_Kor
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