6 Steps to Lose Weight Fast and Easy at Home

A healthy way to lose weight is to follow a well-balanced diet that is combined with plenty of exercise. There are a variety of ways to lose weight naturally and easily at home. You can easily lose 3 or 4 pounds per week by adopting a healthy lifestyle..

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Friday, August 31, 2018

Are Tattoos An Addiction? The longtime connection between tattoos and individuals of questionable character is not the sole account for why tattoos are frequently given a bad reputation. While of course this connection, which is becoming less and less of a factor as each generation progresses, has been true in many circumstances, the subject of tattoos in the present day has yet another cloud over its reputation; it is darker, and rarely based on the truth. From both those who know and those who do not, there are frequent insinuations about the "addictive" characteristics of tattooing. Many people sport multiple tattoos; some have acquired them over a number of years or decades, while others make regular trips to their favorite tattoo studios, but arbitrarily labeling this as an "addiction" is unfair, unrealistic, and rarely based in fact. As each person has his or her own individual reason for getting tattoos, it is impossible to know what a person's reason is unless he or she states it. Some like artwork, some wish to honor a special person, some get tattoos in order to feel a part of some specific group, some people just enjoy spending money. In other words, most people have their own individual reasons for getting tattoos, and it is almost never a matter of being "addicted" to them. There are two parts of this misconception. Both play a role in giving a bad reputation to the subject of tattoos as well as to the people who elect to get them. The first is that people are addicted to the tattoos themselves; the second misconception is that people are addicted to the process of getting them-- specifically, that they are "addicted to pain." One might wonder the mindset of anyone who states the latter opinion; but it certainly provides quite a scope of misunderstandings on the entire subject. One tattoo artist, in remarking that tattoos are a "fever," had been referring to the simple, if odd, enjoyment which many of his clients had in being able to spend money to buy permanent artwork for themselves. "I think I'll get another one" was something often heard in his studio. This did not constitute "addiction" by any definition of the

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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

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Friday, August 10, 2018

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Friday, June 1, 2018

My Daily Yoga de « fehdi sohaib »https://ift.tt/2LdNZ69 #linkinbio . . Improve your Personal Life with Yoga Yoga is not an exercise it is a practice. Yoga is intended to redirect your entire body to make it all come together. Yoga works the mind combined with the body to make it fall into place, which helps one to improve personal overall life. Everyone needs a little help one time or another to get their health and thinking on track. Practicing yoga brings the perfect out of all of us, teaching us to meditate and at the same time, helps relieve that awful stress. Along with helping to relieve stress, yoga strengthens our limbs, mind, refreshes us and even helps us lose weight. Our energy level will increase because we feel better. When starting to practice Yoga take it slow and easy. Donít force your body into the different postures all at once. If you do more than your body says it can do, you could hurt yourself. Like any exercise program, you need to go slow and stick with it. You might not notice a difference right away but hang in there and it will come in time. Donít go out and buy all new exercising cloths just to practice yoga. All you need is sweats and a comfortable loose fitting top. Maybe after awhile you might want to buy a yoga mat but most gyms will furnish them. Wherever you are you can practice using a towel for the floor mat they work just as good. If youíre a person that canít stand and if you are not flexible, this can be done in a chair. So, stand or sit. You can become the person youíve always wanted to be. Make those muscles stronger and get that mind into shape along with feeling better and youíll get to your goal. #yogajourney #yogaeverywhere #positivevibes #yogapose #loveyourself #takecareofyourself #yogis #dowhatyoulove #yogatime #passion #brathe #staystrong #instagood #instayoga #instalike #girlswithtattoos #highervibes2012 #higherawakening #ageofaquarius #onelove #highervibes #plantbased #infinitebeing #hempforchange #deepmeditationtribe #love #thatsatnam #divinemasculine #hippielifeishappylife

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Friday, May 25, 2018

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Saturday, April 28, 2018

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Thursday, April 26, 2018

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Saturday, March 31, 2018


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Colorful #paint

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Defining the spider Spiders belong to the phylum Arthropoda, along with insects and crustaceans. The order of spiders, Araneae—together with scorpions, harvestmen, and the large order of mites and ticks—make up the class of Arachnida. Spiders differ from other arachnids in having the body divided into cephalothorax and abdomen. About 43,000 spiders are known, but many have yet to be discovered and described. Habitat, physiological characteristics, and behavior Spiders are found in all terrestrial habitats on all continents. Some are even found on or in fresh water. They range from less than 1.0 mm long to tropical tarantula size with leg spread to 25 cm (10 inches). Spiders are more abundant in tropics than in cold countries. They feed on living prey, usually insects. Many spiders hunt their prey, some build burrows with trap doors, others sit camouflaged on plants, and many build webs to snare insects. Hunting spiders may have good eyesight, while web spiders have poor vision but an excellent sense of touch. Fine setae (or hairs) on their legs are sense organs for vibrations. Most spiders are solitary, but in warmer climates some spiders are social, many in a web. Enemies of spiders include some wasps, spiders and birds. The body of a spider consists of an anterior cephalothorax and a posterior abdomen joined by a pedicel. The cephalothorax contains the brain, stomach, and usually venom glands. The digestive tube, blood vessel, nerve cord, and some muscles pass through the pedicel. The abdomen contains the heart, digestive and reproductive systems, lungs or trachaea, tubes for air, and also silk glands. It is segmented in only one small group of spiders in southeast Asia. At the posterior end it bears usually six spinnerets with spigots, each with a different kind of silk. There are usually eight simple eyes on the cephalothorax, sometimes fewer. Attached to the cephalothorax anteriorly is pair of short jaws, each with a fang containing a venom duct; four pairs of legs; and between jaws and legs, a pair of short, leg-like palps. #spider

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Screaming !! But you can’t even hear yourself #thriller

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Friday, March 30, 2018

Yoga #creepy

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That dream when a tortle drive a train smoking joint #dream

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Positive quote #positivevibes #positivequotes

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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Saturday, March 10, 2018

emotional music : compile of life thoughts

some of my late night thoughts , i mixte two of my best music with adding some emotional editing . hope you enjoying it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J06bt7Ad9...