6 Steps to Lose Weight Fast and Easy at Home

A healthy way to lose weight is to follow a well-balanced diet that is combined with plenty of exercise. There are a variety of ways to lose weight naturally and easily at home. You can easily lose 3 or 4 pounds per week by adopting a healthy lifestyle..

Monday, March 31, 2014

Why Emotional Eating Is Okay If You Choose Victory Over Victimhood

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Are you an emotional eater? Chances are if you are overweight and actively seeking help for that you are. Emotional eating occurs when individuals turn to food in order to deal with or, more accurately, forget about emotional stress or depression. Even after losing over 50 per cent of my total body weight, I emotionally eat. It is a natural reaction to stress, which, if properly managed is okay. What is far more important is training your mind to view yourself differently and to use occasional...

How To Deal With Stress Using The Power Of The Mind Body Connection

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); In some ways, we are all chemists in our own lives because every stressful thought we think creates a chemical reaction in the brain. The brain then goes on to create a physiological reaction in the body through the release of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Conversely, the way the physical body feels and behaves under stress sends feedback to the brain and this affects our mind through our thoughts. This helps explain why some stress-reduction techniques focus on progressive...

The Various Benefits Of Green Coffee Bean Extract

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Green coffee bean extract by far has become of the biggest news makers in the field of health and wellness today. It is considered by many as the total fat buster because of the various health benefits that it contains. It came from raw green coffee beans. Scientists have found out that raw green coffee beans contain an organic compound called Chlorogenic acid which could greatly affect your body's metabolism. This weight loss supplements has been featured in various health shows and even...

How To Give Your Meditating A Boost

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Meditation has plenty to recommend it. We know, for example, that regular doses helps to slow down the ageing process and improve mental, emotional, and spiritual fitness. The good news is that there's no, one, right way to meditate. The Buddha, for example, said that there were more than 10,000 ways. He didn't really mean that exact number: he just meant that there were plenty. (It's a bit like the Biblical story of it raining for forty days and forty nights - 'a long time'.) Bottom...

Green Tea Weight Loss: The Possible Weight Loss Properties of Green Tea

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); It seems like one of the current questions that is on a lot of peoples mind is "How can I lose weight?" There are countless diets and techniques that people use to try to lose weight. An important part of it all is what you are drinking. Sugary drinks that are full of calories are an easy way to sabotage your diet. There are plenty of healthy drinks to choose from. One drink that is natural and delicious that can help is green tea. Scientists have been doing research on the weight loss...

4 Natural Ways to Fight High Blood Pressure

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The modern lifestyle is very hectic and stressful. There is no time to de-stress and this has resulted in an increasing number of people suffering from high blood pressure. It can cause a number of health problems, including heart attacks, migraine and paralysis. There are many over the counter medications to fight this ailment, but they usually have long-term side effects, which are detrimental to your health. The best way is to go natural all the way. It is a safer and healthier option...

Salt's Okay? Sweet!

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); It's possible, even likely, that you or someone you know has hypertension. It's possible that you or they have been told by the doctor to cut back on salt. If not, it's still possible that you're cutting back on salt because that's the prevailing wisdom for controlling blood pressure. As we all know, sodium is lost in sweat. The more we sweat, the more we lose. Long and/or intense trainings or hot environments result in greater sweat production and greater sodium loss. Symptoms of low...

Do You Want To Lower High Blood Pressure?

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I was diagnosed with High Blood Pressure (hypertension) about three years ago. After a series of tests I was told by my doctor there was no medical reason I had high blood pressure therefore; it had to be hereditary. Since there is no medical reason why I had high blood pressure, then it could be changed. I set out to lower it and get off the medications. I was taking 2 cartia pills a day, time released. After being on the medication, to lower by high blood pressure, I could tell a difference...

10 Life Style Changes to Control High Blood Pressure

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Blood Pressure is defined as that force which is exerted by blood on the walls of the arteries as it flows through them. Normal BP is essential for survival but elevated level can cause many problems. You can think of analogy of a garden hose pipe connected to tap. When tap is turned, water comes out of the hose pipe and exerted pressure in it on its walls, the pressure increases proportionally in response to decrease in size of hose (like by some obstruction in it)or by increase in flow...

Valuable And Non-Surgical Ways To Enhance Your Hair

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); One of the most popular ways to boost hair length is through the use of clip-in hair extensions. Manufactured using good quality, silky 100% human hair, this product offers wearers unprecedented styling versatility. Normally supplied in four strips or 'wefts' of different lengths, clip-in extensions can be applied in a matter of minutes - at home or on the go. Furthermore, they do not need to be professionally applied - although it is advisable that an experienced consultant guides you...

5 Ways a Bad Relationship Parallels Unsuccessful Weight Loss

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); There is nothing light about a bad or abusive relationship. And while I by no means want to trivialise this experience, it has occurred to me over the years that bad weight loss programs share some striking similarities with these bad/abusive relationships. Similarities, which, if taken with a grain of salt, expose to you why the ways in which you treat and view yourself negatively impact you from all ends. Similarity #1: Control This is really the crux of the similarities between these...

I Don't Know If The Hair I See On My Head Is Regrowth Or Thinning Hair

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I sometimes hear from folks who really hope that they are seeing regrowth after a bout of hair loss or shedding. The problem is that they can't be sure what type of hair they are looking at. They often see wispy, thin, and short hairs that could possibly be either regrowth or hair that has thinned or become miniaturized. Of course, most people hope that they are seeing regrowth, but they can't be sure. To that end, you might hear a comment like: "I had a horrible bout of what I believe...

How To Handle Hair Loss

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); In the past when someone had symptoms of hair loss panic usually struck. There seemed to be no solution or if there was then it was expensive. With today's treatment plans being so affordable there are some easy and simple ways to stop the loss of hair. You won't have to suffer as a result of not knowing what type treatment will work for you. With the trend of having well groomed hair as a reflection of self-worth experiencing any type of hair loss can be physically and emotionally devastating....

Plumbing And Heating Services That Different Plumbers Offer

By Alex D White Plumbers usually specialize in different areas based on their preferences, the skills they have and the available tools. The nature of services that any plumber is likely to offer will mostly be dependent on whether he or she has the necessary knowledge and tools to carry out to work. It is important to be aware of what a certain plumber does before hiring him or her since this will ensure that you choose someone to do plumbing work in an area he or she has already specialized. Many plumbers offer a wide range of plumbing and heating...

Uncovering A Decature Squirrel Removal Provider

By Dave L. Weglin People that own a home are continually faced with a vast assortment of obligations and responsibilities that must be filtered through. The presence of animals and pests can be a challenge to work through when trying to protect assets and inhabitants of an property as it often requires professional assistance of some kind. Anyone dealing with this issue should know the basics of locating a Decature squirrel removal provider . Squirrels are often present in areas where trees and other food sources are present which can be...

Advice On Hiring Atlanta Residential Roof Replacement Services

By Andrew B. Spates Finding someone with the right skills and experience to replace or carry out some repairs to a house roof can be a daunting task. Unless you are used to hiring skilled trades people you may have no idea where to start. Hopefully following some general and common sense advice will ensure you hire the right company. It is not every day that you need the services of a roofing company, so ask people you know have recently had work done on their roof, if they would recommend the company they used. Ask how they would rate the...

How To Recapture That Spark In Your Marriage

By Ella Hemmings It's easy to get so caught up in your day-to-day grind that you lose sight of one of the most important things in your life, your relationship with your spouse. It might seem hard to reconnect, but it just takes a little effort and imagination. Here are a few suggestions to help rekindle the spark. Too often the problem is that you don't spend any time together, just the two of you, doing something fun. Make a promise to go out one night each week even if it's just for an hour or two. Go out for coffee, take a long walk,...

Tips From An Alpharetta Roofer On Hiring Contractors

By Andrew B. Spates A roofing contractor delivers a number of services including repairs, installations, modifications, and is able to advise on structural design. When hiring a contractor, the Alpharetta roofer offers a number of simple tips to guide your decision. Taking the time to search for the right people in the industry to attend to the necessary job tasks can make all the difference regarding the end result. Professionals must be qualified with the relevant licensing to implement modifications and similar processes. One should base...